Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Visual Ranking Tool

The visual ranking tool is a resource that allows users to rank items, concepts, ideas etc. in order of importance. The example that was provided on the website asks students to rank a list of inventions and "evaluate the impact of these inventions." I like this tool because it encourages students to analyze information and share their opinions and understanding. The other great feature about this too is that students can be placed into teams to work on ranking items. I think that this is an engaging way to start a conversation among students. After teams rank items, they can then look at another team's rankings and compare them. I would use this with math by having groups of teams analyze math concepts that they have learned in school. They should rank the concepts that the they think would be most valuable in the real world. Hopefully the groups would come up with a variety of responses. After comparing results this would be a great way to start a discussion about how much math is connected to the world outside of the classroom.

The Intel visual ranking tool can be found at: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/education/k12/thinking-tools/visual-ranking/try-the-tool.html

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